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Plugfests @ the i14y Lab

Events like the O-RAN Global Plugfests are the perfect way to get the ball rolling when it comes to network disaggregation.

We regularly host plugfests at the i14y Lab and have done so from the very beginning. Here is an overview of all plugfests past and currently planned. Check this page, sign up for our newsletter, or follow us on LinkedIn for updates. Contact us if you want to know more about plugfests at the i14y Lab.

Plugfests @ the i14y Lab

O-RAN Global PlugFest Fall 2023 at i14y Lab

The i14y Lab consortium invites all vendors of Open RAN-related solutions and platforms to the upcoming O-RAN Global Plugfest Fall 2023. The testing in Berlin will be closely aligned with other European PlugFest hosts, and with Telecom Infra Project (TIP) activities.

O-RAN Global PlugFest Fall 2023 at i14y Lab

O-RAN Global PlugFest – Spring 2023 @i14y Lab

The i14y Lab will be a venue of the O-RAN Global PlugFest – Spring 2023. This PlugFest will be focused on accelerating the maturity of products and solutions based on O-RAN specifications and verifying and validating multi-vendor interoperability and conformity to O-RAN specifications. The Spring event in Berlin is going to be supported by Deutsche Telekom and EANTC.

O-RAN Global PlugFest – Spring 2023 @i14y Lab

O-RAN & TIP PlugFest Fall 2022

The i14y Lab, co-hosted by Deutsche Telekom, EANTC, and Vodafone in Berlin, achieved remarkable results in the Joint European O-RAN ALLIANCE & TIP PlugFest Fall 2022. They conducted 14 test scenarios, including multi-vendor integration, O-RU conformance, and RIC testing. Collaboration and infrastructure played a pivotal role in their success, showcasing the importance of coming together for the future of disaggregated components in the market. As the year ends, they continue to work towards accelerating time to market for disaggregated solutions. Watch the recap video for moreamet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt.

O-RAN & TIP PlugFest Fall 2022
Other Events from us:

The i14y Lab Summit

Never stop networking

At the annual i14y Lab Summit we invite the community over to Berlin to discuss the state of open RAN, the challenges we face, and the opportunities we have.

The i14y Lab Summit

The Place to test

This is the i14y Lab

Want to know what the i14y Lab looks like and has to offer? What kind of people work here, who is in the strong consortium behind the lab and who are our associated partners? Then this is the page for you.

Spectrum Analyzer Serverroom

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