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The i14y Lab is an open testing ground where major players of the telco industry join forces. Their combined know how, skills and funding turns the i14y Lab into a powerful place for co-development and testing processes.

The Consortium

BISDN specializes in the development of disaggregated, highly scalable network functions for carrier deployment. COTS (components-off-the-shelf) hardware is used in so-called POD-like architectures. In the Open Lab, BISDN wants to expand the existing competences with regard to real-time supported cloud environments.
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Capgemini Engineering, integral part of Capgemini Group, is a global leader in partnering with companies to transform and manage their business by harnessing the power of technology. It will provide essential parts of the open testing infrastructure (O-RAN SW Stack) as well as research & development activities. The know-how generated within this undertaking will be incorporated in Capgemini’s portfolio of technology consulting and product development for next generation communication networks.
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Deutsche Telekom AG is taking the lead in the consortium to enable rapid implementation, particularly in the German market, and to allow the results of the project to flow directly into the further development of the Group's networks, platforms and service offerings.
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EANTC, as independent testing consultancy and lab-as-a-service provider, will create and implement test methods in this open lab. In particular, EANTC will enable the automated test framework, and plans to use the project results to expand its own 5G test service portfolio for manufacturers, network operators and enterprises.
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Fraunhofer HHI is a world leader in the development of mobile and optical communication networks and systems, fiber optical sensor systems as well as the processing and coding of video signals. It will use the knowledge gained from the project to maintain its pioneering role in concepts, procedures, and algorithms in the areas of network optimization, artificial intelligence in communication networks, and open wireless networks, and use these for technology transfer to industry.
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highstreet technologies will use the standards and software created in this open lab project to expand its integration business regarding xHaul systems and at the same time lay a foundation for the development of applications (rApps).
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At this new open lab, Nokia will pursue the development and integration of third-party Partner xApps. In an ever-changing mobile operator business environment, the lab provides an opportunity to address the challenges of new services and more complex network implementations as well as testing new approaches to solutions.
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Rohde & Schwarz is a leader in test and measurement for mobile communications. The company supports the technical evolution with expertise and active participation in the O-RAN Alliance to enable a globally harmonized market. With a wide portfolio ranging from component verification through fronthaul conformance to mobile network testing and benchmarking, Rohde & Schwarz helps to drive development, certification, deployment, and operation of Open RAN networks. Through early-stage collaboration with Open Lab partners and customers, Rohde & Schwarz aims at adopting its portfolio in accordance with new test requirements.
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The findings from this open lab in Berlin will be incorporated into the further development of the Telefónica Deutschland network. Telefónica Deutschland also sees the security test in an independent laboratory as a great opportunity to strengthen confidence in the technology among users and decision-makers in politics and business.
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The focus of the scientific work for TU Berlin lies in the areas of cloud/edge computing, distributed sensor data processing, artificial intelligence, security analyses and new security concepts.
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Global supply chains are being stretched and tested worldwide. Open RAN is the key to resilience, innovation, and diversification in the telecoms’ vendor supply chain. With Germany and other major European markets putting their weight behind Open RAN through the establishment of open labs, the technology has reached an inflection point. Through continued industry and political collaboration, Vodafone remains committed to building and supporting the extension of Open RAN labs to other European countries.
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In 2023 we are introducing a new level of collaboration

Associated Partners

Key players in the open RAN ecosystem have closed ranks. Early in the year i14y Lab would like to mimic these moves by introducing a new partnership tier, which we call associated partner going forward.


In essence, a handful of selected partners are going to support us in 2023 and beyond to facilitate milestones on the road of becoming a true LaaS (Lab-as-a-Service). With this latest move, we believe in setting the pace to go further than we would be able to alone. Please welcome our first cohort: 

As a partner of i14y Lab, Red Hat will contribute with its technology capabilities and open source leadership, driving innovation through open collaboration with the open RAN software ecosystem and communities. By supporting the integration of Open RAN solutions from different vendors and sharing feedback and expertise, the Red Hat Telco Cloud Platform will be applied in practice as a truly open cloud platform.
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Rimedo Labs specializes in providing high-quality consulting, implementation, and R&D services in the field of modern wireless systems currently focusing on Open RAN, 5G, and beyond. Rimedo Labs is an O-RAN software provider delivering customized xApps and rApps for RAN Intelligent Controllers.
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VIAVI Solutions is a global provider of network test, monitoring and assurance solutions for communications service providers, hyperscalers, equipment manufacturers, enterprises, government and avionics. VIAVI is also a leader in light management technologies for 3D sensing, anti-counterfeiting, consumer electronics, industrial, automotive, government and aerospace applications. Together with our customers and partners we are United in Possibility, finding innovative ways to solve real-world problems.
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Future-proof network solutions for Europe: Partly funded by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV).

Together we will grow an ecosystem of disaggregated network solutions in Germany and Europe. The German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) believes in our vision and supports the i14y Lab with 17 M € funding.


This enables us and our partners to collaborate efficiently and to the highest standards. Digitalization requires more flexible and powerful networks – and network disaggregation promises to deliver this for all market players. 

Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport
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