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Test as a Service at the i14y Lab

Open RAN Test as a Service

Making your Open RAN solutions better with our knowledge, our expertise, and our test setups.

Giving you the benefit of our lab testbed and expertise. To support the development of your Open RAN component and prepare it for certification and badging, making it market ready.


Test as a Service @ i14y Lab offers a comprehensive lab testbed and expert guidance, supporting feature development and ensuring products are deployment ready. Our services help accelerate development and optimize product readiness for market launch.

Open RAN Test as a Service

Test as a Service - what we offer

Our Test as a Service offer gives you access to a wide range of our test beds, setups, test plans and of course the support of our engineers in running the tests.


The ranges of tests we offer include:


Sanity Tests – including functional tests based on O-RAN Alliance specifications to assess the performance of your O-RU, O-DU, or O-DU/O-CU.


Regression Test are especially of interest for certification and badging candidates. They include:


  • Functional tests
  • Performance tests
  • Security tests
  • Other operator defined tests


Further engineering support for integration or troubleshooting and the use of our automation environment for fast and efficient testing are available on request.

Benefits of Open RAN Test as a Service at the i14y Lab
On-Site or remote

We have you covered: Our services are available both on-site and remote testing.

Addressing Open RAN testing needs

Covering the testing needs from early development to pre-certification / -badging and finally badging and certification, our services are addressing all the relevant steps to help get your open RAN component from prototype to market ready.

Open and neutral

As a vendor neutral OTIC we are closely collaborating with the O-RAN Alliance as well as with TIP, and have many cooperations with labs worldwide, making us your open and neutral partner for valid testing, badging, and certification.

Minimize Upfront Investment

With our Test-as-a-Service we offer you our lab testbed and expertise. Test as a Service offers a comprehensive lab testbed and expert guidance, supporting feature development and ensuring products are deployment ready. Our services help accelerate development and optimize product readiness for market launch.

The road to Certification and Badging

Using our Test as a Service expertise and test setups can be the great prequalification for badging and certification, giving you what you miss on the way to certified market readiness.

Contact us

The best way to find out what our Test as a Service can do for you is to talk to us. Please send us a message giving some details of what you have in mind using the form, and we will be in touch.

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