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Summit 24

i14y Lab Summit 2024 "Validate & Implement"

The i14y Lab Summit 2024 will take place on September 12th, 2024 @ Lanolinfabrik in Berlin.


The i14y Lab Summit 2024 will happen right after this year’s BOWW Berlin Open RAN Working Week - giving you three days of Open RAN in one place under the common motto "Open RAN - Unity in Variety".


Our Summit will again be packed with unmissable talks, demos and sessions! 

i14y Lab Summit 2024 "Validate & Implement"

Your Day At The i14y Summit 2024

Sneak Preview
Panels, keynotes and dedicated breakout sessions about the future of open RAN, certification, openness, and the eco-system - here is an overview of what to expect.
Welcome and the story so far

9.30-10.00 am

After a warm welcome, we will give you an overview of the major insights of two days of BOWW 


  • BOWW insights

Andreas Gladisch | i14y Lab lead

Heiko Lehmann | Deutsche Telekom

What’s up, Open RAN?

10.00-11.00 am

We will ask what lies ahead for all things open RAN from a market and a technical perspective, especially in terms of validation and implementation, and discuss what must follow from that. You can look forward to:  


  • What the markets tell us - opportunities and pitfalls of the developing open RAN market 
    Keynote - Robert Curran | Appledore Research  
  • We’re working on it - where open RAN technology stands and where it needs to got 
    Keynote - speaker tba soon 
  • Let’s talk this out - our keynote speakers discuss the contentious and not so contentious points of their analysis 
    Moderator - Stéphane Téral | TERAL RESEARCH

Followed by a short break.


Follow us on LinkedIn or subscribe to our newsletter to find out about our speakers and panels as they are announced.

Certification: the good, the bad, the beautiful


A look at the real-life certification at the i14y Lab from the perspectives of all players: vendor, operator, lab – asking how it went, what it was good for, what we have learned. We will combine multiple voices to get the conversation we need to have about the good, the bad, and the beauty of testing and certification.


For this we have planned a lively round of discussions with changing participants, shedding light on different aspects of certification - think fishbowl, but on stage. We will look at the insights gained through the certification campaigns and discuss key takeaways with:


Vendors - on meeting and reaching expectations:  

Nitin Jain | VVDN  

Reiner Hogen | Fujitsu 


Lab and Test / Measurement - on successes and obstacles 



Operators - on their certification requirements  

Thomas Lips | Deutsche Telekom 

Aysenur Senyer | Telefonica 

tba - Vodafone 


i14y Lab - a demonstration

Jan Klare | BISDN
Carsten Rossenhövel | EANTC
Olaf Bonneß | Deutsche Telekom


Follow us on LinkedIn or subscribe to our newsletter to find out about our speakers and panels as they are announced.

Networking Lunch


Your chance to meet and discuss what piqued your interest, have a look around our exhibition, and of course enjoy our famous Berlin food. 

Openness: How much can we deal with; how much do we need?


We kick off the afternoon with discussions on the openness issues in open RAN, looking at matters like pre-qualified vs. component-based combinations, the importance of energy efficiency and the role RIC will play there, and the underlying structure of O-Cloud: 


Quo Vadis open RAN - how to fit openness into a running system 

Keynote - speaker tba 


RIC and the need for energy efficiency  


Marcin Hofmann | Rimedo Labs

Sami Pohjonen | Nokia

Gerald Huber | Telefonica (Moderator)


Is O-Cloud truly open? 


Red Hat - tba

Andreas Schieder | Deutsche Telekom


Followed by a short break.


Follow us on LinkedIn or subscribe to our newsletter to find out about our speakers and panels as they are announced.

The open RAN ecosystem: we’re all in this together


An ecosystem comes with complexities and opportunities as the players balance collaboration and competition as they are creating value. We will discuss how to deal with this and how to get the most out of it, especially in terms of innovation. 


The startup perspective 

Keynote followed by a discussion moderated by Stéphane Téral | TERAL RESEARCH


Pushing change - what makes for good innovation policies? 

BMDV - tba 

Wolfgang Kopf | Deutsche Telekom 

NTIA  - tba 

EU - tba 

Moderator - tba 


Labs around the globe in global collaboration - what’s been going on and what’s in the works. 

ITRI - tba 

NTIA - tba  

Katja Henke | i14y Lab 

Sonic Lab - tba 

SUTD - tbc 




Follow us on LinkedIn or subscribe to our newsletter to find out about our speakers and panels as they are announced.

Auf wiedersehen !



Andreas Gladisch (i14y Lab lead) and Slawomir Stanczak (Fraunhofer HHI) will wrap up the day and bid you all farewell until next time.  

Break Out Sessions on offer during the day

11:00 - 11:30 Extending Decoupled SMO / Non-RT RIC to xHaul and beyond

Alfons Mittermaier | highstreet technologies



13:30-14:00 Stage demonstration f/u & deep-dive i14y LaaS Onboarding

Jan Klare | BISDN

Olaf Bonness | Deutsche Telekom

Carsten Rossenhoevel | EANTC



16:00-16:30 RANGPT, a GenAI tool for test and automation

Babak Jafarian | Aira Technology


Together with BOWW: Three Days of Open RAN

The Berlin Open RAN Working Week (BOWW) by T-Labs will take place on September 10th and 11th also at Lanolinfabrik in Berlin, right before our i14y Lab Summit 2024 in the same spot. This will give you three full days of open RAN discussions, talks, panels, and networking.


You will be able to register for BOWW and the i14y Lab Summit 2024 separately. Hope to see you in Berlin in September!

i14y Lab Summit 2023 "Test & Validate"

There were panels, roundtables, presentations, and plenty of opportunities to network and discuss the state of Open RAN. Relive your memories or catch up on the bits you missed.



i14y Lab Summit 2023 "Test & Validate"

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