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Consortium partners jointly review i14y testing tools

Consortium jointly reviews available i14y testing tools

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i14y consortium members met to introduce each other to the test tools and measuring devices available at the i14y Lab in Berlin. This was done in the context of the planned permanent reference architecture test setup.

Consortium jointly reviews available i14y testing tools

In the consortium Capgemini is part of the work stream for defining and implementing the end-to-end reference architecture in the Lab together with the other consortium partners

Upon their request, the lab team provided a documentation and introduction to the tools already implemented in the i14y Lab, so that they could understand better their use for continued lab development. This specific selection of tools is a result of the joint efforts of work packages 2 and 3, a collection put together by Olaf, Senior Architect Networks and Infrastructure at Deutsche Telekom, and his team in close collaboration with BISDN and EANTC.


The tools are intended to enable efficient and automated testing. “We are exploring all the test tools and different components in the lab to put an end-to-end reference setup together in the best possible way for the purpose of the project,” explained Mohamad from Capgemini.

The gathering of  some consortium members also addressed the use cases for the reference architecture test setup. The lab wants to accelerate time to market for disaggregated components and thus promote disaggregation in the industry to push it to maturity.


“Today, is open RAN technology mature? Not yet,” acknowledged Ranganai from Capgemini. “That's why we need test labs. This is why the i14y Consortium is here to build this lab - to test and measure the maturity of that disaggregation. Is this technology really viable? There are still question marks. And for disaggregation, yes, we know the benefits on paper, but is it practical? We are trying to exercise through proof of concept, proof of testing that, yes, everyone is embracing it. That's why we need a lab. i14y is that lab.”


The i14y Lab aims to help address and resolve those concerns and keep progressing towards the future model of disaggregation for telecommunications networks. It is a step towards realizing our vision. And every step helps move the mark closer to the end goal of redirecting the telecommunications industry towards faster technological innovation and open collaboration.

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